About the Blogger

“Elsewise” is a middle aged would-be academic, if it weren’t for the political outrageousness of agape Christian-Muslim relations, and the bitterness that she incurred as the de facto 30-year wife of a North African Muslim. Married at the subculturally unheard of age of 18, she had all four sons by the age of 24.  Living most of her life in a Big Ten town, she studied French and English (BA), Applied Linguistics/TESOL (MA), Language Education (most doctoral coursework), Composition (rejected for PhD), Theology and Ethics (MTS). Having a classic “Stimpy” personality, she is known at her United Methodist church for living in her head, and her parental motto has been “Hassle Me Not.”  Her current goals are to get back to reading important literature, and developing a theology of interfaith relations as a possible thesis topic.

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